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    Feb 14, 2025  
Lee University Catalog 2017-2018 
Lee University Catalog 2017-2018 [Archived Catalog]

Course Descriptions


Ministry Studies

  • MMST 532 - Perspectives on Leadership


    This course will provide an overview of various models of leadership, their appropriateness for use within communities of faith, and cultural influences on contemporary conceptualizations of leadership. Through the analysis and critique of the models from a faith perspective, students will be able to articulate their approach to leadership and its effects on their ministry settings.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MMST 534 - Practical Theology


    This course introduces students to the discipline of practical theology by engaging theological reflection upon the practice of ministry and church life. Rather than remaining in a contemplative mode of the traditional theological task, practical theology stresses the transformative character of doing theology by examining the underlying theological assumptions and foundations of the church’s life and praxis. Students will learn to assess the church’s actions for what they could or should be from a theological standpoint, yet also learn to describe and assess these actions as they truly exist. This theological and practical examination of the church will focus on areas where thought and praxis overlap.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MMST 536 - Principles of Bible Study

    This course prepares students for personal and community Bible study, using the Inductive Study Method. The inductive method utilizes a canonical approach and focuses on the rhetorical aspects of the biblical text. The method seeks to understand the author’s intent as well as its relevance for the contemporary world. The course emphasizes direct engagement with biblical texts through the disciplined use of sound hermeneutical principles.

    Credit Hours: 3
  • MMST 538 - Creative Preaching and Teaching


    This course provides a broad study of homiletics and teaching using non-traditional and creative approaches, while seeking to maintain the integrity of the pulpit.  It will integrate innovative forms and multiple learning styles into sermon and lesson preparation so the student will be able to communicate the Gospel to a wide variety of audiences.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MMST 539 - Christian Faith and Culture

     This course explores the relationship between faith and culture from a Christian apologetic perspective. Various aspects of culture are analyzed, including popular culture, generational trends, technological innovations, multiculturalism, and religion, with the intent of developing Christian ministry praxis for engaging contemporary culture.

    Credit Hours: 3
  • MMST 570 - Discipleship in the New Testament

    A course designed to present to the students an overview of the writings of the New Testament, while providing an in-depth synthesis of the New Testament’s purview of discipleship. Practical application will be made as the students create a contextual plan of discipleship based on that synthesis.


    Credit Hours: 3
  • MPTS 570 - A Theology of Ministry

    This course focuses on the biblical and theological foundations of ministry. Arising out of the missio Dei, ministry is essentially the continuation of the ministry of Christ in the world. From this basis, the particulars of the work of ministry will be examined with consideration to theological motifs and models for engaging in contemporary ministry.

    Credit Hours: 3
  • MPTS 572 - Biblical Themes for Ministry

    This course will engage various thematic subjects related to ministry and study them in relation to the places they occur in the Bible. While themes may be different with each iteration of the course, typical subjects will include love, service and ministry, compassion, mercy (or works of mercy), administration/leadership, shepherd (pastor), elders and deacons, apostles, prophets, evangelists, and teachers.

    Credit Hours: 3
  • MPTS 574 - Discipleship in the New Testament

    This course presents a composite view of discipleship as depicted in the New Testatment. The course will include an overview of the genre, writers, and themes of the individual books of the New Testatment, but the central focus will be the development of a synthesized understanding of Christian discipleship.

    Credit Hours: 3
    This course is also offered as MMST-570.
  • MPTS 576 - Biblical Language for Ministry

    This course is designed to provide students who have not studied Hebrew or Greek the opportunity to learn rudimentary aspects of each language in order to use commentaries and biblical texts more profitably. Comprehension of the alphabets, the various aspects of elementary grammar, and word study will be provided with the end goal of giving a limited level of engagement with the tools of textual study. While not offering competency to read in Greek or Hebrew, the course will provide competency to better comprehend commentaries and word study resources that use Greek and Hebrew.

    Credit Hours: 3
  • MPTS 578 - Biblical and Theological Foundations for Worship

    This course will explore the concept and practice of worship in the Old and New Testaments, worship in the lives of biblical characters, and the biblical roots of contemporary worship practices. The course will explore theological foundations for understanding worship practice, assess theological implications of personal and corporate worship ministry, and equip worship leaders in the application of a theology of worship in specific ministry contexts.

    Credit Hours: 3
    This course is also offered as MWST-560.
  • MPTS 590 - Practical Theological Studies Final Project

    This course is intended as a final project within the Ministry Studies program. Students will research a specific topic within the realm of practical theological studies and provide evidence of biblical, theological, or social science research. In addition, students will prepare a project presentation based on the questions raised by the foundational research.

    Credit Hours: 3
  • MPTS 593 - Practical Theological Studies Internship

    This course is designed for students who will benefit from working closely with a theologian or biblical scholar who is also well-versed in local church ministry. With permission of the program director, the internship may be chosen in lieu of a final project.

    Permission of the Program Director.

    Credit Hours: 3
  • MWST 560 - Biblical and Theological Foundations of Worship


    The course will explore the concept and practice of worship in the Old and New Testaments, worship in the lives of biblical characters, and the biblical roots of contemporary worship practices. The course will explore theological foundations for understanding worship practice, assesses theological implications of personal and corporate worship ministry, and equip worship leaders in the application of a theology of worship in specific ministry contexts.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MWST 562 - History of Christian Worship


    This course provides an overview of the history of Christian worship from the New Testament era through the present. Special attention will be given to the practices, rituals and symbols of worship in selected Christian traditions. The course will identify historical movements and leaders who significantly shaped current perspectives of Christian worship.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MWST 564 - Worship Leadership for the Contemporary Church


    This course will examine practical leadership issues of worship ministry. The course will survey contemporary models and practices of worship. Attention will be given to administration and planning strategies for effective worship events. The course will also explore the incorporation of music and the fine arts in worship and issues of cross-cultural worship.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MWST 566 - Media and Technology in Worship


    This course is designed to examine the origins, roles and current practices of worship leaders using visual media technologies as a part of church services. Discussion topics include an overview of the emerging role of the media minister, as well as the uses and effects of these communication technologies. The course will also evaluate hardware and equipment as well as an exploration of software used to produce and display visual electronic media. Emerging technologies will be explored for use in worship settings.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MWST 590 - Worship Studies Final Project

    This course is intended as a final research project within the MINST program.  Students will research a specific area within worship ministry and provide evidence of biblical, theological, or social science research.  In addition, students will prepare a project presentation based on the questions raised by the foundational research.

    Credit Hours: 3
  • MWST 593 - Worship Studies Internship

    This course is designed for students who have not had practical experience in worship ministry. It may be done in lieu of a final project so that students may experience supervised worship ministry.

    Credit Hours: 3
  • MYFM 550 - Foundations of Youth and Family Ministry

    This course will examine the biblical and theological foundations of the family with specific focus on the place of children and adolescents within the family structure. Various models of youth and family ministry will be examined, and through the use of lectures, research, and case studies, the student will develop a family ministry program which will be applicable in his/her ministerial setting.

    Credit Hours: 3
  • MYFM 552 - Discipleship in Contemporary Culture

    This course will equip youth leaders for the task of carrying out the Great Commission in a postmodern society. Included will be an examination of key New Testament texts of discipleship, an identification of vital principles used by Christ and the first century church, and a critique of contemporary models. Special consideration will be given to the unique challenges presented by contemporary culture. The goal for each student will be to develop a discipleship model that will systematically take a student from the initial stage of being evangelized through the steps of Christian growth and formation.

    Credit Hours: 3
  • MYFM 554 - Theological Issues in Youth and Family Ministry


    This course will provide students with an overview of the task of theology as it relates to ministry to children, adolescents and families. It will focus on several issues of particular importance to youth and family ministry, offering a theological basis and dialogue for each issue. Some issues and their concomitant theological areas that may be investigated are the following: human personality and theological anthropology; sexuality and a theology of sex; estrangement and a theology of reconciliation; abuse/disorders/violence and a theology of wholeness of life; suffering and a theology of suffering; school issues and a theology of learning; and other miscellaneous issues that may arise.

    Credit Hours: 3

  • MYFM 556 - Adolescent Development

    This course is an examination of the developmental phenomena of adolescence, its physiological, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual dimensions, and the influence of context such as family, peers, schools, and community. Consideration of the needs of youth and interacting societal institutions, with a focus on continuity of development as viewed within the framework of life-span development will be studied.

    Credit Hours: 3
  • MYFM 557 - Human Development and Transformation

    This course will examine central theories of human development and transformation in order to understand their implications for youth and family ministry. Emphasis will be placed upon the periods of childhood and adolescence. These theories will be placed in dialogue with research concerning religious transformation.


    Credit Hours: 3
  • MYFM 558 - Marriage and Family Systems

    An introduction to general systems theory. Special attention is given to the history of marriage and family therapy and the basic theories of and models of family interaction. Implication for interactional patterns, functional and dysfunctional family systems, life cycle issues, and ethnicity are discussed.

    Credit Hours: 3
  • MYFM 590 - Youth and Family Studies Final Project

    This course is intended as a final research project within the MINST program. Students will research a specific area within youth and/or family ministry and provide evidence of biblical, theological, or social science research. In addition, students will prepare a project presentation based on the questions raised by the foundational research.

    Credit Hours: 3
  • MYFM 593 - Youth and Family Studies Internship

    This course is designed for students who have not had practical experience in youth and family ministry. It may be done in lieu of a final project so that students may experience supervised ministry with youth and families.

    Credit Hours: 3
  • PASM 271 - Fundamentals of Preaching (DAL)

    This course is a study of the construction and delivery of sermons.  Special attention is given to those elements of craftsmanship, style, and theological understanding basic to persuasive preaching.

    ENGL-106 & BIBL-261

    Credit Hours: 3
    Open to Division of Adult Learning students only.
  • PASM 371 - Techniques of Preaching (DAL)

    This course is a survey of various techniques utilized in Gospel communication. Topics include the appropriate use of both expository and topical preaching, creating rapport, telling the story, the ethical use of emotion, prophetic confrontation, and preaching in series, holidays, weddings, funerals, and community events.


    Credit Hours: 3
    Open to Division of Adult Learning students only.


  • MUSA 101 - Applied Music – Primary Applied Study

    Applied music for the student majoring in music in his/her primary performance area. Development of repertory and intensive study of style. Admission only by audition. Enrollment for 3 credit hours is permitted only for students admitted to Bachelor of Music degree programs. May be repeated once for credit.

    Credit Hours: 1 to 3
  • MUSA 102 - Applied Music – Secondary Applied Study

    Applied study of the secondary instrument of the music major. Appropriate technical studies and literature are selected from the classics with emphasis on development of performance techniques. May be repeated once for credit.

    Credit Hours: 1-2
  • MUSA 103 - Applied Music - PRMUS/Minor Applied Study

    Applied music for students minoring in music or the PRMUS student. Technical studies and a variety of literature are selected at a level appropriate to the student’s ability. A jury is required at the end of each semester.

    Credit Hours: 1 or 2
  • MUSA 103VT - Applied Voice for Musical Theatre

    Applied voice lessons for the student with a Musical Theatre Minor. Development of vocal technique, with the central focus on Music Theatre repertoire and style.

    Minimum of one semester of MUSA-101VO, 102VO, or 103VO

    Credit Hours: 1 - 2
  • MUSA 104 - Applied Music - Elective Applied Study

    Technical studies and a variety of literature are selected at a level appropriate to the student’s ability. Enrollment open only to students who have not declared a School of Music major or minor. Credit earned in MUSA-104 does not apply toward a major or minor in Music.


    Credit Hours: 1 or 2
  • MUSA 185 - Performance Seminar

    A class designed to expose students to various types of music in the vocal, instrumental, and keyboard genres. This course is required of all music majors for seven semesters. Graded on a pass/fail basis.


    Credit Hours: 0
  • MUSA 186 - Piano Seminar

    A class experience designed to expose pianists to techniques and coachings on a wide variety of piano literature and functional piano skills. This course is required of all piano majors and concentrations for 7 semesters. Graded on a pass/fail basis.

    Admission to School of Music with piano as primary instrument.

    Credit Hours: 0
  • MUSA 201 - Applied Music - Primary Applied Study

    Applied music for the student majoring in music in his/her primary performance area. Development of repertory and intensive study of style. Admission only by audition. Enrollment for 3 credit hours is permitted only for students admitted to Bachelor of Music degree programs. May be repeated once for credit.

    Two semesters of MUSA 101 or their approved equivalents

    Credit Hours: 1 to 3
  • MUSA 202 - Applied Music - Secondary Applied Study

    Applied study of the secondary instrument of the music major. Appropriate technical studies and literature are selected from the classics with emphasis on development of performance techniques. May be repeated once for credit.

    Two semesters of MUSA 102 or their approved equivalents

    Credit Hours: 1 to 2
  • MUSA 203 - Applied Music - PRMUS/Minor Applied Study

    Applied music for students minoring in music or the PRMUS student. Technical studies and a variety of literature are selected at a level appropriate to the student’s ability. A jury is required at the end of each semester.

    Two semesters of MUSA 103 or their approved equivalents.

    Credit Hours: 1 or 2
  • MUSA 221 - Accompanying

    A course designed to equip students with the necessary skills in the art of accompanying.

    Admission to MUSKA.BM program or consent of instructor.

    Credit Hours: 2
  • MUSA 230 - Diction for Singers I

    For applied voice majors. It covers study of the International Phonetic Alphabet, Italian, French and German diction. To be taken during the freshman or sophomore year. Previously MUED-221 - Diction for Singers I.


    Credit Hours: 2
    When Offered
    Fall Semester
  • MUSA 231 - Diction for Singers II

    A continuation of MUSA 230. Previously MUED-221 - Diction for Singers II.


    Credit Hours: 2
    When Offered
    Spring Semester
  • MUSA 288 - Upper Division Admission Examination

    A 10-minute, juried performance at the end of four semesters of applied study on the music major’s primary instrument. The student performs music of contrasting styles for a committee of music faculty. Successful completion of the Upper Division Admission Examination (UDAE) is required for admission into upper-level applied study.  For transfer students, the applied study may or may not have been done at Lee University.

    Two semesters of MUSA 201 or their approved equivalents

    Credit Hours: 0
  • MUSA 301 - Applied Music – Primary Applied Study

    Applied music for the student majoring in music in his/her primary performance area. Development of repertory and intensive study of style. Admission only by audition. Enrollment for 3 credit hours is permitted only for students admitted to Bachelor of Music degree programs. May be repeated once for credit.

    Two semesters of MUSA 201, or their approved equivalents and MUSA 288.


    Credit Hours: 1 to 3

  • MUSA 302 - Applied Music – Secondary Applied Study

    Applied study of the secondary instrument of the music major. Appropriate technical studies and literature are selected from the classics with emphasis on development of performance techniques. May be repeated once for credit.

    Two semesters of MUSA 202 or their approved equivalents

    Credit Hours: 1 to 2
  • MUSA 310 - Vocal Coaching

    This course is intended to assist voice students in their development of repertory, interpretation of lyrics/libretto, and intensive study of musical style.

    Passing grade in MUSA-288 (Upper Division Admission Exam)

    Credit Hours: 1 or 2
  • MUSA 395 - Junior Recital

    One-half hour of public recital for students in Bachelor of Music - Performance degree programs.

    Approval of Faculty Committee

    Credit Hours: 1
  • MUSA 401 - Applied Music – Primary Applied Study

    Applied music for the student majoring in music in his/her primary performance area. Development of repertory and intensive study of style. Admission only by audition. Enrollment for 3 credit hours is permitted only for students admitted to Bachelor of Music degree programs. May be repeated for credit.

    Two semesters of MUSA 301 or their approved equivalents

    Credit Hours: 1 to 3
  • MUSA 402 - Applied Music - Secondary Applied Study

    Applied study of the secondary instrument of the music major. Appropriate technical studies and literature are selected from the classics with emphasis on development of performance techniques. May be repeated once for credit.

    Two semesters of MUSA 302 or their approved equivalents

    Credit Hours: 1 to 2
  • MUSA 495 - Senior Recital

    One-half hour of public recital (one hour for Bachelor of Music students). Students in Bachelor of Music degree programs will receive 1 hour of credit; all others receive no credit.

    Approval of Faculty Committee

    Credit Hours: 0 - 1, depending on student’s degree program.
  • MUSA 501 - Primary Applied Study

    Applied music in the 501 series is intended for all graduate students who are working toward an emphasis in applied music and taking lessons in their Primary instrument. Enrollment for 3 credit hours is permitted only for students admitted to the Master of Music Performance degree, and is allowed only by special permission.

    Graduate program audition and acceptance, and instructor permission.

    Credit Hours: 1 - 3
    When Offered
    Every semester
  • MUSA 502 - Secondary Applied Study

    Applied music in the 502 series is for graduate music students wishing to study a secondary instrument. Appropriate technical studies and literature are selected from the classics with emphasis on further development of performance techniques.

    Graduate Audition

    Credit Hours: 1-2
  • MUSA 504 - Elective Applied Study

    Applied music in the 504 series is intended for all graduate students who need elective credits and are seeking specialized assistance in particular instrument technique.

    Audition into program / permission of instructor.

    Credit Hours: 1 or 2
  • MUSA 530 - Diction I

    For graduate vocal performance  and conducting majors, this course covers study of the International Phonetic Alphabet, English, and Italian.  

    Credit Hours: 2
    When Offered
    Fall Semester
  • MUSA 531 - Diction II

    For graduate vocal performance and conducting majors, this course covers study of the International Phonetic Alphabet, French, and German diction.

    Credit Hours: 2
    When Offered
    Spring Semester
  • MUSA 595 - Graduate Recital

    A course which gives the student a choice of vehicles for demonstrating mastery of the goals of his/her degree program. The work of the student will be closely directed and supervised by the Final Project Committee Chair/Primary Applied Instructor.   Only one music recital per semester.

    Credit Hours: 2
    When Offered
    Every semester


  • MUSB 135 - Music Technology

    An introduction to using the computer in music.  Includes rudimentary applications of Finale and ProTools to create short projects.

    Acceptance as a music major or permission of the instructor

    Credit Hours: 1
  • MUSB 185 - Jazz Seminar

    This course is designed to expose students to the historical, performance and analytical aspects of music in the jazz idiom. The study includes the biographies of an musical analysis of the music of important jazz artists and their respective contributions to the art form. Students will be expected to attend jazz performances in the area and to maintain listening journals.

    Permission of instructor.

    Credit Hours: .25
  • MUSB 201 - Introduction to Music Business

    This course provides an introduction to selected facets of the music industry in the U.S.A., reflecting on its interaction with the ideas of responsible citizenship and redemptive service.


    Credit Hours: 3
    When Offered
    Offered Spring Semester
  • MUSB 235 - Audio and Notational Technology for Music Business

    Designed to enhance students’ knowledge of technology used in audio and notational aspects of the music industry, placing this technology in its historical context.


    Credit Hours: 2
    When Offered
    Fall Semester
  • MUSB 243 - Commercial Music Theory

    This course focuses on the theory and practice of the critical elements needed for the understanding, performance, and production of commercial music. A grade of “C-” is required to meet the requirements for a music major or minor.

     A minimum grade of C- in MUST-111 and MUST-112


    Credit Hours: 3
    When Offered
    Spring Semester
    Requires co-requisite enrollment in MUSB-244.

  • MUSB 244 - Commercial Aural Skills

    Designed to enhance students’ aural and keyboard skills, applying concepts introduced in Commercial Music Theory. A grade of “C-” is required to meet the requirements for a music major or minor.

    A minimum grade of C- in MUST-111 and MUST-112


    Credit Hours: 1
    When Offered
    Spring Semester
    Requires co-requisite enrollment in MUSB-243.

  • MUSB 251 - Improvisation

    Designed to develop the theoretical and performance skills necessary in learning the art of improvisation. Requires concurrent enrollment in Improvisation Lab.

    A minimum grade of C in MUST-111 and MUST-112

    Co-requisite: MUSB-251L

    Credit Hours: 2
    When Offered
    Fall Semester

  • MUSB 331 - History of Commercial Music

    A study of the history of popular music in America from c. 1840 to the present.  Extensive listening required.

    MUSB-243, MUSB-244, and MUHL-212

    Credit Hours: 3
    When Offered
    Fall Semester
  • MUSB 335 - Advanced Commercial Audio Applications

    Building on the students’ foundational work in music technology, this course explores the operation and application of current digital audio software and hardware, culminating with the completion of a short recording project.


    Credit Hours: 2
    When Offered
    Spring Semester
  • MUSB 351 - Advanced Improvisation

    The course focuses on advanced, contemporary harmonic progressions, as well as extended and altered harmonies. It also includes specific elements, including the “Cry Me a River” application and melodic approaches that imply standard chord substitutions. Requires concurrent enrollment in Advanced Improvisation Lab.

    A minimum grade of C in MUSB-251 or equivalent

    Co-requisite: MUSB-351L

    Credit Hours: 2
    When Offered
    Spring Semester of even-numbered years

  • MUSB 401-403 - Special Topics in Music Business

    A course presenting various topics and research concerns. The topic will change to meet students demand and interest.

    Permission of instructor.

    Credit Hours: 1-3
  • MUSB 421 - Seminar in Entrepreneurship for Music Business

    Designed to acquaint students with the concept of entrepreneurship for selected vocations within the music industry.


    Credit Hours: 1
    When Offered
    Spring Semester
  • MUSB 492 - Music Business Internship

    Application and synthesis of principles and practices of the music business designed according to the student’s interest and ability. Requires approval of the Music Business Committee.

    BUSN-409, MUSA-288, MUSB-243, MUSB-301, MUSB-331, TCOM- 235, or permission of the Music Business Committee

    Credit Hours: 1
  • MUSB 497 - Senior Project

    One-half hour of public recital or project related to a specific area of the music business. Open to Bachelor of Science students only with approval of the Music Business Committee.

    Approval of Faculty Committee

    Credit Hours: 1
  • MUSB 501-503 - Special Topics in Music Business

    A course presenting various topics and research concerns. The topic will change to meet student demand and interests.

    Permission of instructor.

    Credit Hours: 1-3
  • MUSB 513 - Music and Media Technology

    An introduction to the use of media and musical technology in the church, the classroom, media concerts, theatrical presentations and the recording studio. The course will cover the use of computer hardware and software (music notation, MIDI/sequencing, classroom organization and presentation, computer-aided instruction, and web design) for the professional musician.

    Credit Hours: 2
    When Offered
    Spring semester
  • MUSB 543 - Commercial Music Theory

    A course which focuses on the theory and practice of the critical elements needed for the understanding, performance, and production of commercial music.

    MUST-500 and MUST-505 or equivalent

    Credit Hours: 2
    When Offered
    Spring semester
  • MUSB 551 - Advanced Improvisation

    The course focuses on advanced, contemporary harmonic progressions, as well as extended and altered harmonies. It also includes specific elements, including the “Cry Me a River” application and melodic approaches that imply standard chord substitutions. Requires concurrent enrollment in Advanced Improvisation Lab.

    MUST-500 or MUST-505 or equivalent.

    Credit Hours: 2
    When Offered
    Spring Semester


  • MUCO 102CO - Secondary Applied Conducting

    Applied study of conducting at the secondary level. Appropriate technical studies and literature are selected from the classics with emphasis on development of performance techniques. May be repeated once for credit. 

    Successful completion of MUCO-330, and MUCO-331 or MUCO-332

    Credit Hours: 1 or 2
  • MUCO 330 - Fundamentals of Conducting

    Basic techniques of conducting simple and complex beat patterns, use of the left hand for cuing and introductory baton techniques.

    A minimum grade of C in MUST- 121 and MUST-122

    Credit Hours: 2
    When Offered
    Offered both semesters
  • MUCO 331 - Advanced Choral Conducting

    A continuation of Fundamentals of Conducting focusing on choral music.

    MUCO-330; a minimum grade of C in MUST-231 and MUST-232

    Credit Hours: 2
    When Offered
    Offered both semesters
  • MUCO 332 - Advanced Instrumental Conducting

    A continuation of Fundamentals of Conducting focusing on instrumental music.

    MUCO-330; a minimum grade of C in MUST-231 and MUST-232.

    Credit Hours: 2
    When Offered
    Spring Semester
  • MUCO 431 - Choral Techniques

    A survey of practical considerations for working with choral groups, with emphasis on: rehearsal planning and score preparation; problem-solving strategies for choral tone, diction, choral blend, and intonation; the development of choral musicianship and selection of repertoire. Importance is given to the development of church choral organizations.

    MUCO-331 or MUCO-332

    Credit Hours: 2
    When Offered
    Fall Semester
  • MUCO 501CO - Primary Applied Conducting

    Applied conducting in the five hundred series is intended for students who are working toward the degree in conducting and seeking specialized assistance in a particular conducting technique. A total of 8 hours is required.  Involves ensemble participation.

    Graduate Audition

    Credit Hours: 2
    When Offered
    Each Semester
  • MUCO 502CO - Secondary Applied Conducting

    Applied conducting in the 502 series is intended for all graduate students except those with an emphasis in applied music who are taking lessons on a Secondary instrument.

    Graduate audition/Permission of instructor

    Credit Hours: 1 to 2
    When Offered
    Every Semester
  • MUCO 511-513 - Special Topics in Conducting

    A course presenting various topics and research concerns. The topic will change to meet student demand and interest.

    Permission of the Director of Graduate Studies in Music

    Credit Hours: 1-3
  • MUCO 516 - Choral Conducting

    An investigation of choral music of varying styles, periods, and genres with emphasis on conducting gestures, rehearsal techniques, score study, and stylistic performance, including orchestral accompaniment.

    MUCO 331 or equilivaent

    Credit Hours: 2
    When Offered
    Spring semester
  • MUCO 517 - Instrumental Conducting

    An investigation of instrumental music of varying styles, periods, and genres with emphasis on conducting and rehearsal technique, score study, and stylistic performance.

    MUCO 330 or undergraduate equivalent

    Credit Hours: 2
    When Offered
    Fall semester
  • MUCO 531 - Choral Techniques

    A survey of practical considerations for working with choral groups with emphasis on rehearsal planning and score preparation; problem-solving strategies for choral tone, diction, choral blend, and intonation; the development of choral musicianship and selection of repertoire.  Importance is given to the development of church choral organizations. Previously MUSP-531 - Choral Techniques.


    MUCO-331 or MUCO-332.

    Credit Hours: 2

  • MUCO 575 - Wind Band Rehearsal Techniques

    A course designed to include both the practical skills (baton technique, score reading, stylistic and expressive choices, rehearsal techniques) and theoretical background (score analysis, repertoire, programming, etc.) for the advanced conductor. A project of this course will be the selection of distinctive concert materials for several performing levels; i.e., elementary, intermediate, high school, and college.


    MUCO-332 or equivalent.


    Credit Hours: 2

  • MUCO 595 - Graduate Conducting Project

    A course which gives the student a choice of vehicles for demonstrating mastery of the goals of his/her degree program. The work of the student will be closely directed and supervised by the Final Project Committee Chair/Primary applied instructor.

    Credit Hours: 1
    When Offered
    all semesters


  • MUSC 112 - Introduction to Music Ministry

    A course designed to provide the student with an overview of the essentials of local church ministry and to acquaint him/her with the music ministry profession. The course includes observation of local church music programs and interviews with the music ministers from various denominational traditions and church sizes.


    Credit Hours: 2
    When Offered
    Every Semester
  • MUSC 112AP - Introduction to Music Ministry

    This course is designed to provide you with an overview of the ministry of music in a local church. It will also introduce you to the roles and responsibilities of the music minister/worship leader. In addition you will be able to examine and evaluate the design, administration and use of resources enabling you to develop and maintain a complete church music ministry. 

    Credit Hours: 3
    Open to Division of Adult Learning students.
  • MUSC 213 - Music Ministry Leadership

    A study of the administrative, pastoral, and worship-leading roles of the minister of music in a fully developed music program at the local level.


    Credit Hours: 3
    When Offered
    Fall Semester
  • MUSC 213AP - Music Ministry Leadership

    A study of the administrative and pastoral roles of the minister of music in a fully developed music program at the local level.


    Credit Hours: 3
    Open to Division of Adult Learning students.
  • MUSC 223 - Aspects of Leading Music for Worship

    A course designed to acquaint students with the skills for successful church music arranging with emphasis on practical application and adaptability to various situations. Special attention is given to techniques for arranging or adapting music for ensembles with limited instrumentation and/or personnel.

    MUSC-112; a minimum grade of C in MUST-121, and MUST-122

    Credit Hours: 2
    When Offered
    Spring Semester
  • MUSC 311 - Congregational Song

    A survey of the various periods and styles of hymnody in the history of the Western church; and a study of the role of congregational singing and worship.

    MUSC-112 and MUHL-212.

    Credit Hours: 3
    When Offered
    Fall Semester
    This course is also available for students in a Division of Adult Learning program.
  • MUSC 312AP - Aspects of Leading Music for Worship

    This course provides students opportunity to study the components of an effective contemporary church music ministry. Emphasis is placed on the importance and use of music in worship. Concepts of worship forms, styles and support are reviewed. Attention is also given to music ministry in the education, evangelism and nurturing activities of the church.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Open to Division of Adult Learning students.
  • MUSC 315 - Music Conferences

    Courses that involve a variety of workshops at music conferences where students participate in charismatic and evangelical worship service traditions as well as other contemporary forms of praise and worship. Individual workshops typically address current issues in sacred music, along with sessions on technique. Conferees attend numerous music-reading sessions. Evening concerts demonstrate the integration of materials, techniques and philosophy of worship. Repeatable for credit.


    Credit Hours: 1
  • MUSC 321 - Philosophy of Music and Worship

    A course designed to discuss current issues/trends and philosophies in church music from an informed perspective of the biblical and historical foundations of church music. To assist students in the development of their own philosophy of music ministry, the course will include discussion, observation and evaluation of church services and student-led music experiences.

    MUSC-213, MUSC-223 and MUSC-311.

    Credit Hours: 3
    When Offered
    Spring Semester
  • MUSC 390 - Seminar in Songwriting

    This course will explore the basic rudiments and techniques of songwriting. Students will be equipped with tools to help them create original compositions from start to finish, learning step-by-step how to compose a lyric and melody and complete a composition according to music industry standards. The course will also explore the music business, looking into such areas as publishing, copyrights, performance rights organizations, and other careers related to music business and the music ministry.


    Credit Hours: 1
    When Offered
    Spring Semester
  • MUSC 401-403 - Special Topics in Church Music

    A course presenting various topics and research concerns. The topic will change to meet student demand and interest.

    Permission from the instructor.

    Credit Hours: 1 to 3
  • MUSC 402AP - Special Topics in Church Music

    A course presenting various topics and research concerns. The topic will change to meet student demand and interest.

    Permission from the instructor.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Open to Division of Adult Learning students.
  • MUSC 414 - Concepts and Models of Music in Worship

    This course is designed to discuss concepts, models, and current uses of music in worship from an informed perspective of its biblical, theological, and historical foundations.

    MUSC-223 & MUSC-311

    Credit Hours: 3
    Open to Division of Adult Learning students.

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