Music-Applied |
MUSA 401 - Applied Music - Primary Applied Study Applied music for the student majoring in music in his/her primary performance area. Development of repertory and intensive study of style. Admission only by audition. Enrollment for 3 credit hours is permitted only for students admitted to Bachelor of Music degree programs. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites Two semesters of MUSA 301 or their approved equivalents
Credit Hours: 1 to 3
MUSA 402 - Applied Music - Secondary Applied Study Applied study of the secondary instrument of the music major. Appropriate technical studies and literature are selected from the classics with emphasis on development of performance techniques. May be repeated once for credit.
Prerequisites Two semesters of MUSA 302 or their approved equivalents
Credit Hours: 1 to 2
MUSA 495 - Senior Recital One-half hour of public recital (one hour for Bachelor of Music students). Students in Bachelor of Music degree programs will receive 1 hour of credit; all others receive no credit.
Prerequisites Approval of Faculty Committee
Credit Hours: 0 - 1, depending on student’s degree program.
MUSA 501 - Primary Applied Study Applied music in the 501 series is intended for all graduate students who are working toward an emphasis in applied music and taking lessons in their Primary instrument. Enrollment for 3 credit hours is permitted only for students admitted to the Master of Music Performance degree, and is allowed only by special permission.
Prerequisites Graduate program audition and acceptance, and instructor permission.
Credit Hours: 1 - 3
MUSA 502 - Secondary Applied Study Applied music in the 502 series is for graduate music students wishing to study a secondary instrument. Appropriate technical studies and literature are selected from the classics with emphasis on further development of performance techniques.
Prerequisites Graduate Audition
Credit Hours: 1-2
MUSA 504 - Elective Applied Study Applied music in the 504 series is intended for all graduate students who need elective credits and are seeking specialized assistance in particular instrument technique.
Prerequisites Audition into program / permission of instructor.
Credit Hours: 1 or 2
MUSA 504VC - Vocal Coaching This course is intended to assist voice students in their comprehensive development of repertory, in-depth interpretation of lyric/libretto, and advanced study of musical style. Repeatable for credit.
Prerequisites Co-requisite: MUSA-501VO (applied voice)
Credit Hours: 1
MUSA 590 - Elective Graduate Recital This course is designed to give the student an opportunity to demonstrate mastery in either individual performance, chamber music, or lecture recital.
Prerequisites Instructor permission required.
Credit Hours: 1
MUSA 595 - Graduate Recital A course which gives the student a choice of vehicles for demonstrating mastery of the goals of his/her degree program. The work of the student will be closely directed and supervised by the Final Project Committee Chair/Primary Applied Instructor. Only one music recital per semester.
Credit Hours: 2
Music-Business |
MUSB 135 - Music Technology An introduction to using the computer in music. Includes rudimentary applications of Finale and ProTools to create short projects.
Prerequisites MUST 111 and MUST 112 as a music major or permission of the instructor
Credit Hours: 1
MUSB 185 - Jazz Seminar This course is designed to expose students to the historical, performance and analytical aspects of music in the jazz idiom. The study includes the biographies of an musical analysis of the music of important jazz artists and their respective contributions to the art form. Students will be expected to attend jazz performances in the area and to maintain listening journals.
Prerequisites Permission of instructor.
Credit Hours: .25
MUSB 201 - Introduction to Music Business This course provides an introduction to selected facets of the music industry in the U.S.A., reflecting on its interaction with the ideas of responsible citizenship and redemptive service.
Prerequisites None.
Credit Hours: 3 When Offered Offered Spring Semester
MUSB 235 - Audio and Notational Technology for Music Business Designed to enhance students’ knowledge of technology used in audio and notational aspects of the music industry, placing this technology in its historical context.
Prerequisites MUSB-135
Credit Hours: 2 When Offered Fall Semester
MUSB 321 - Commercial Vocal Stylings & Techniques This course focuses on the vocal technique and stylistic elements associated with contemporary and commercial singing. Appropriate texts and repertoire will be selected with an emphasis on the development of contemporary performance techniques.
Prerequisites Take four semesters of applied voice
Credit Hours: 1
MUSB 331 - History of Commercial Music A study of the history of popular music in America from c. 1840 to the present. Extensive listening required.
Prerequisites MUSB-243, MUSB-244, and MUHL-212
Credit Hours: 3 When Offered Fall Semester
MUSB 335 - Advanced Commercial Audio Applications Building on the students’ foundational work in music technology, this course explores the operation and application of current digital audio software and hardware, culminating with the completion of a short recording project.
Prerequisites MUSB-235
Credit Hours: 2 When Offered Spring Semester
MUSB 401-403 - Special Topics in Music Business A course presenting various topics and research concerns. The topic will change to meet students demand and interest.
Prerequisites Permission of instructor.
Credit Hours: 1-3
MUSB 421 - Seminar in Entrepreneurship for Music Business Designed to acquaint students with the concept of entrepreneurship for selected vocations within the music industry.
Prerequisites MUSB-201
Credit Hours: 1
MUSB 492 - Music Business Internship Application and synthesis of principles and practices of the music business designed according to the student’s interest and ability. Requires approval of the Music Business Committee.
Prerequisites MKTG-309, MUSA-288, MUSB-243, and DIGM-210, or permission of the Music Business Committee
Credit Hours: 1
MUSB 497 - Senior Project One-half hour of public recital or project related to a specific area of the music business. Open to Bachelor of Science students only with approval of the Music Business Committee.
Prerequisites Approval of Faculty Committee
Credit Hours: 1
MUSB 501-503 - Special Topics in Music Business A course presenting various topics and research concerns. The topic will change to meet student demand and interests.
Prerequisites Permission of instructor.
Credit Hours: 1-3
MUSB 513 - Music and Media Technology An introduction to the use of media and musical technology in the church, the classroom, media concerts, theatrical presentations and the recording studio. The course will cover the use of computer hardware and software (music notation, MIDI/sequencing, classroom organization and presentation, computer-aided instruction, and web design) for the professional musician.
Credit Hours: 2 When Offered Spring semester
MUSB 543 - Commercial Music Theory A course which focuses on the theory and practice of the critical elements needed for the understanding, performance, and production of commercial music.
Prerequisites MUST-500 and MUST-505 or equivalent
Credit Hours: 2 When Offered Spring semester
MUSB 551 - Advanced Improvisation The course focuses on advanced, contemporary harmonic progressions, as well as extended and altered harmonies. It also includes specific elements, including the “Cry Me a River” application and melodic approaches that imply standard chord substitutions. Requires concurrent enrollment in Advanced Improvisation Lab.
Prerequisites MUST-500 or MUST-505 or equivalent.
Credit Hours: 2 When Offered Spring Semester
Music-Conducting |
MUCO 330 - Fundamentals of Conducting Basic techniques of conducting simple and complex beat patterns, use of the left hand for cuing and introductory baton techniques.
Prerequisites A minimum grade of C in MUST- 121 and MUST-122
Credit Hours: 2 When Offered Offered both semesters
MUCO 331 - Advanced Choral Conducting A continuation of Fundamentals of Conducting focusing on choral music.
Prerequisites MUCO-330; a minimum grade of C in MUST-231 and MUST-232
Credit Hours: 2 When Offered Spring Semester
MUCO 332 - Advanced Instrumental Conducting A continuation of Fundamentals of Conducting focusing on instrumental music.
Prerequisites MUCO-330; a minimum grade of C in MUST-231 and MUST-232.
Credit Hours: 2 When Offered Spring Semester
MUCO 511-513 - Special Topics in Conducting A course presenting various topics and research concerns. The topic will change to meet student demand and interest.
Prerequisites Permission of the Director of Graduate Studies in Music
Credit Hours: 1-3
MUCO 516 - Choral Conducting An investigation of choral music of varying styles, periods, and genres with emphasis on conducting gestures, rehearsal techniques, score study, and stylistic performance, including orchestral accompaniment.
Prerequisites MUCO 331 or equilivaent
Credit Hours: 2 When Offered Spring semester
MUCO 517 - Instrumental Conducting An investigation of instrumental music of varying styles, periods, and genres with emphasis on conducting and rehearsal technique, score study, and stylistic performance.
Prerequisites MUCO 330 or undergraduate equivalent
Credit Hours: 2 When Offered Fall semester
MUCO 595 - Graduate Conducting Project A course which gives the student a choice of vehicles for demonstrating mastery of the goals of his/her degree program. The work of the student will be closely directed and supervised by the Final Project Committee Chair/Primary applied instructor.
Credit Hours: 1
MUSA 501CO - Primary Applied Conducting Applied conducting in the five hundred series is intended for students who are working toward the degree in conducting and seeking specialized assistance in a particular conducting technique. A total of 8 hours is required. Involves ensemble participation.
Prerequisites Graduate Audition
Credit Hours: 2
MUSA 502CO - Secondary Applied Conducting Applied conducting in the 502 series is intended for all graduate students except those with an emphasis in applied music who are taking lessons on a Secondary instrument.
Prerequisites Graduate audition/Permission of instructor
Credit Hours: 1 to 2
Music-Education |
MUED 120 - Vocal Techniques for Instrumentalists This is a voice class for students seeking a music education degree whose applied study is an orchestral/band instrument or keyboard, and who are seeking teacher licensure in Instrumental/General music.
Prerequisites Audition for the School of Music, or permission of the instructor.
Credit Hours: 1
MUED 225 - Introduction to Music Education A course designed to give prospective music educators an overview of the music education profession and to strengthen their understandings of the importance of music education for K-12 students. This course includes 20 clock hours of observation assignments in the public schools.
Prerequisites None
Credit Hours: 2
MUED 226 - Introduction to Instrumental Music An introductory survey of orchestral instruments focusing on developing a functional knowledge of wind, string, fretted and percussion instruments. Basic skills are emphasized through hands-on instruction.
Prerequisites None
Credit Hours: 2 When Offered Spring Semester
MUED 231 - Brass Techniques A course designed to prepare the non-brass major for teaching the brass/wind instruments at the beginner to intermediate levels. Performance on the instruments is included.
Credit Hours: 2 When Offered Spring Semester
MUED 232 - High Brass Techniques An introduction to playing and pedagogical techniques of high brass instruments. This course is designed for students whose primary instrument is trombone, euphorium, or tuba.
Credit Hours: 1
MUED 233 - Low Brass Techniques An introduction to playing and pedagogical techniques of low brass instruments. This course is designed for students whose primary instrument is trumpet or horn.
Credit Hours: 1
MUED 241 - Woodwind Techniques A course designed to prepare the non-woodwind major for teaching the woodwind instruments at the beginner to intermediate levels. Performance on the instruments is included.
Credit Hours: 2 When Offered Spring Semester
MUED 242 - Double-Reed Techniques An introduction to playing and pedagogical techniques of double-reed instruments.
Credit Hours: 1
MUED 243 - Single Reed Techniques An introduction to playing and pedagogical techniques of single reed instruments. This course is designed for students whose primary instrument is flute, oboe, or bassoon.
Credit Hours: 1
MUED 244 - Flute Techniques An introduction to playing and pedagogical techniques of the flute. This course is designed for students whose primary instrument is clarinet, saxophone, oboe or bassoon.
Credit Hours: 1
MUED 251 - String Techniques A course designed to prepare the non-string major for teaching string instruments at the beginner to intermediate levels. Performance on the instruments is included.
Credit Hours: 2 When Offered Fall Semester
MUED 252 - High Strings Techniques An introduction to playing and pedagogical techniques of high string instruments. This course is designed for students whose primary instrument is cello or double bass.
Credit Hours: 1
MUED 253 - Low Strings Techniques An introduction to playing and pedagogical techniques of low string instruments. This course is designed for students whose primary instrument is violin or viola.
Credit Hours: 1
MUED 261 - Percussion Techniques A course designed to prepare the non-percussion major for teaching percussion instruments at the beginner to intermediate levels. Performance on the instruments is included.
Credit Hours: 1 When Offered Fall Semester
MUED 350 - General Secondary Methods - Music Education A course designed to introduce students to the knowledge of methods, skills and strategies they will need as they become effective teachers in secondary classrooms. The course unites theory and practices by using the instructional methods of classroom discussion and presentations, simulated teaching opportunities and a teaching assignment in area schools.
Prerequisites Admission to Teacher Education Program and successful completion of the Upper Division Admission Exam
Credit Hours: 1
MUED 401-403 - Special Topics in Music Education A course presenting various topics and research concerns. The topic will change to meet student demand and interest.
Prerequisites Permission from the instructor.
Credit Hours: 1-3
MUED 405 - Methods of Teaching Music in the Elementary School Fundamentals of music and the teaching of music from kindergarten through sixth grade.
Prerequisites Admission to Teacher Education Program and successful completion of Upper Division Admission Exam
Credit Hours: 2 When Offered Offered during fall semester only.
MUED 421 - The Teaching of Vocal and General Music, Grades 6-12 This course equips the vocal music education major with aspects of directing a comprehensive choral program in a middle or high school. Topics covered are choral administration, rehearsal and performance planning, and choral techniques.
Prerequisites Admission to the Teacher Education Program and successful completion of the Upper Division Admission Exam
Credit Hours: 2 When Offered Fall semester only
MUED 422 - Methods and Materials of Teaching Marching Band Principles, practices and materials for the marching band are studied including the role of marching band in the total music program, as well as: organization and maintenance, planning and executing of the field show, basic maneuvers, and rehearsal procedures.
Prerequisites Admission to the Teacher Education Program and successful completion of the Upper Division Admission Exam
Credit Hours: 2 When Offered Fall Semester
MUED 423 - Methods and Materials of Teaching Concert Band and Orchestra A comprehensive study of the various techniques that are significant for the development of the concert band and orchestra: intonation, tone, blend, balance, bowings and rehearsal procedures. Appropriate music literature from beginning to advanced will be introduced.
Prerequisites Admission to the Teacher Education Program and successful completion of the Upper Division Admission Exam.
Credit Hours: 2 When Offered Fall Semester
MUED 501-503 - Special Topics in Music Education A course presenting various topics and research concerns in music education. The course material will be selected and presented as determined by the needs and interests of students involved in the program. The problems addressed will include specific teaching concerns encountered by public and private school music educators in the teaching of: K-12 general music courses; elementary, middle school, and high school choir; elementary, middle school, and high school band and/or orchestra; marching band; jazz and music of diverse cultures. The study of these selected topics will provide insight into possible research questions which should be addressed by music educators. In-depth study of these questions will be addressed in this course. Repeatable for credit.
Prerequisites Permission of the Director of Graduate Studies or Chair of Music Education Department.
Credit Hours: 2-3
MUED 505CM - Literature, Pedagogy, Practice in Secondary Choral Music Education This course, for practitioners in music education, is an exploration of the interdependence between repertoire selection, instructional strategies, and methodological practice for secondary choral music teachers. Grounded in classroom practice, this course endeavors to strengthen teachers’ planning and practice through research, reflection, and analysis.
Credit Hours: 2
MUED 505EC - Literature, Pedagogy, Practice in Early Childhood/Elementary General Music Education This course, for practitioners in music education, is an exploration of the interdependence between repertoire selection, instructional strategies, and methodological practice for early childhood and elementary general music teachers. Grounded in classroom practice, this course endeavors to strengthen teachers’ planning and practice through research, reflection, and analysis.
Credit Hours: 2
MUED 505IM - Literature, Pedagogy, Practice in Instrumental Music Education This course, for practitioners in music education, is an exploration of the interdependence between repertoire selection, instructional strategies, and methodological practice for instrumental music teachers. Grounded in classroom practice, this course endeavors to strengthen teachers’ planning and practice through research, reflection, and analysis.
Credit Hours: 2
MUED 511 - Research Methods/Design in Music Education I A fundamental research course designed to help students become better readers, creators, and writers of research in music education. This is the first of a two-part exploration of the basic issues in reading and interpreting current research in music education, measurement and evaluation, and the communication of results. During this course, the student will select a professional educational question/concern/problem that may become the student’s final project.
Prerequisites Admission to the graduate program or permission of instructor.
Credit Hours: 2
MUED 512 - Research Methods/Design in Music Education II This is the second of two fundamental research courses designed to help the student become a better reader, creator, and writer of research in music education. This course expands the previous work through the development of a Literature Review. During this course the student will analyze and evaluate the components and structure of the Literature Review in the context of a variety of research designs.
Prerequisites MUED-511
Credit Hours: 2
MUED 513 - Foundations of Music Education This course reviews philosophical and historical foundations of music education with an emphasis on synthesizing and refining a personal philosophy of music education, based on sound historical and theoretical principles. The course encompasses vocation, calling, and the act of teaching.
Prerequisites Admissons into Graduate Program/permission of instructor
Credit Hours: 3 When Offered Fall semester
MUED 514 - Curriculum and Assessment in Music Education This course is designed to give students the opportunity to explore the fields of curriculum and assessment as domains of inquiry, analysis, and application. The course will include an examination of both curricular and assessment theories and practices from a variety of perspectives and paradigms. We will also study past, present, and future trends in curriculum and assessment and reform efforts in both general education and music education. Particular emphasis is given to examining systematically the processes of program development in music education including purpose, content, organization, and evaluation. The integration of technology is required.
Prerequisites Admissions into Graduate Program/Permission of instructor
Credit Hours: 3 When Offered Spring semester
MUED 515 - Current Issues in Music Education A course presenting various current topics and research concerns in music education. The course material will be selected and presented as determined by the needs and interests of students involved in the program. The problems addressed will include specific teaching concerns encountered by public and private school music educators in the teaching of: K-12 general music courses; elementary, middle school, and high school choir; elementary, middle school, and high school band and/or orchestra; marching band; jazz, music of diverse cultures and recent developments in cognition as related to music learning. The study of these selected topics will provide insight into possible research questions which should be addressed by music educators. In-depth study of these questions will be addressed in this course.
Prerequisites Admission into the Graduate Program/Permission of the Instructor.
Credit Hours: 1 When Offered Summer semesters
MUED 516 - Studies in Artistic Leadership This course for practitioners in music education seeks to introduce students to a wide variety of leadership models in current practice in music/arts education. Focusing on policy, psychology, and institutional leadership, this course seeks to strengthen teachers’ ability to bring about change and growth in school music/arts programs.
Credit Hours: 2
MUED 561 - Percussion Techniques
A course designed to prepare the non-percussion major for teaching percussion instruments at the beginner to intermediate levels. Performance on the instruments is included.
Prerequisites Admission to the MM degree or permission from the Director of Graduate Studies in Music.
Credit Hours: 2
MUED 595 - Graduate Final Project/Thesis I A course which gives the student a choice of vehicles for demonstrating mastery of the goals of his/her degree program. The work of the student will be closely directed and supervised by the Final Project Committee Chair.
Prerequisites MUED-511 & MUED-512
Credit Hours: 1
MUED 596 - Graduate Final Project/Thesis II Continuation of MUED-595
Prerequisites MUED-595
Credit Hours: 1
Music-Ensembles |
MUSE 101 - Required Ensemble The following ensembles with course numbers ending in 01 are designated as “required” for School of Music Majors. Specific requirements vary by degree program.
Ensembles may be repeated for multiple credits. Each semester provides unique performance opportunities and new repertoire to build breadth in literature.
CU-Choral Union: Study and performance of major choral master works as well as newly composed works for festival chorus. Open to music majors, general university students, and members of the local community with the consent of the instructor. One major concert each semester.
LC-Chorale: Study and performance of choral literature with emphasis on standard classical choral repertoire. Concerts given each semester. Open to all students by audition.
OR-Orchestra: Study and performance of orchestra repertoire. Open by audition to music majors, general university students, and members of the local community. One major concert each semester.
SB-Symphonic Band: Study and performance of concert and church wind band literature. One major tour each semester in addition to a wide variety of venues both on and off campus. Open to all students by audition.
WE-Wind Ensemble: Study and performance of concert wind ensemble literature. Open by audition to music majors, general university students, and members of the local community. A minimum of 4 hours of rehearsal per week. Two major concerts per semester.
Credit Hours: 1
MUSE 101CPI - Collaborative Piano (Instrumental) This course is intended to assist students in their development of collaborative piano skills. It will help students broaden their approach to music as a collaborative experience while enjoying a newfound relationship with co-performers and developing creative and innovative thinking, which will lead students to professional learning.
Prerequisites Successful completion of Upper Division Admission Exam (MUSA-288)
Credit Hours: 1 When Offered Spring semester
MUSE 101CPV - Collaborative Piano (Vocal) This course is intended to assist students in their development of collaborative piano skills. It will help students broaden their approach to music as a collaborative experience while enjoying a newfound relationship with co-performers and developing creative and innovative thinking, which will lead students to professional learning.
Prerequisites Successful completion of Upper Division Admission Exam (MUSA-288)
Credit Hours: 1 When Offered Fall semester
MUSE 102 - Elective Ensemble The following ensembles with course numbers ending in 02 are designated as “elective” for School of Music Majors. Requirements vary based on specific degree program, as noted by asterisks (*) in the course descriptions.
May be repeated for multiple credits. Each semester provides unique performance opportunities and new repertoire to build breadth in literature.
BR-Brass Choir: Study and performance of music for brass choir. Open to all students by audition.
CM-Chamber Music: Study and performance of music for small ensemble. Instrumentation based upon student interest and availability, to include any of the following: brass, woodwind, percussion, or string instruments; piano; voice. Open to all students by audition.
CC-Campus Choir: Study and performance of a wide variety of sacred choral literature of the worship tradition and in a worship setting. One major tour each semester in addition to other off-campus appearances. Open to all students by audition. A minimum of 3 hours of rehearsal per week.*
ES-Evangelistic Singers: Study and performance of a wide variety of sacred choral literature ranging from the Negro Spiritual to traditional and contemporary Black Gospel settings. Open to all students by audition. A minimum 3 hours of rehearsal per week.*
JE-Jazz Ensemble: Utilizing standard stage band instrumentation, this ensemble studies and performs the best of the traditional and contemporary jazz repertory. Open to all students by audition. A minimum 3 hours of rehearsal per week.
LC-Chorale: Study and performance of choral literature with emphasis on standard classical choral repertoire. Concerts given each semester. Open to all students by audition. May fulfill the “required ensemble” requirement for some students.
LL-Ladies of Lee: Study and performance of a wide range of choral music for treble voices. One major tour and various performances on and off campus each semester. Open to all female students by audition. A minimum 3 hours of rehearsal per week.*
LS-Lee Singers: Study and performance of a wide range of choral literature. One major tour each semester in addition to other off-campus appearances. Open to all students by audition. A minimum 4 hours of rehearsal per week.*
MT-Musical Theatre Workshop: A practical laboratory course which involves the production of musical theatre works. Includes casting, rehearsing, designing and constructing sets, lighting, costuming and publicity for recitals and public presentations.
OR-Orchestra: Study and performance of orchestra repertoire. Open by audition to music majors, general university students, and members of the local community. One major concert each semester. May fulfill the “required ensemble” requirement for some students.*
OT-Opera Theatre: Experience in the practical application of musical and dramatic preparation and performance of opera. Open to all students by audition.
PE-Percussion Ensemble: Study and performance of percussion ensemble literature. Open to all students by audition. A minimum of 3 hours of rehearsal per week.
PB-Pep Band: Study and performance of commercial and marching-band literature. Open to all students by audition.*
SB-Symphonic Band: Study and performance of concert and church wind band literature. One major tour each semester in addition to a wide variety of venues both on and off campus. Open to all students by audition. A minimum of 3 hours of rehearsal per week. May fulfill the “required ensemble” requirement for some students.*
SJ-Small Jazz Ensemble: Study and performance of a variety of music for small jazz ensemble. Instrumentation based upon student availability. Open to all students by audition. A minimum of 3 hours of rehearsal per week.
ST-Chamber Strings: Study and performance of music for chamber strings. Open to all students by audition.
VL-Voices of Lee: A 16-voice ensemble designed to study and perform a variety of a cappella, jazz and contemporary choral stylings, both sacred and secular. A minimum of 5 hours rehearsal per week with extensive off campus performances. Membership by audition.
WE-Wind Ensemble: Study and performance of concert wind ensemble literature. Open by audition to music majors, general university students, and members of the local community. A minimum of 4 hours of rehearsal per week. Two major concerts per semester. May fulfill the “required ensemble” requirement for some students.*
*Does not count toward the “elective ensemble” requirement for Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science students.
Credit Hours: 1
MUSE 502 - Graduate Ensemble The following ensembles with course numbers ending in 02 are designated as “elective” for School of Music graduate students.
May be repeated for multiple credits. Each semester provides unique performance opportunities and new repertoire to build breadth in literature.
BR-Brass Choir: Study and performance of music for brass choir. Open to all students by audition.
CM-Chamber Music: Study and performance of music for small ensemble. Instrumentation based upon student interest and availability, to include any of the following: brass, woodwind, percussion, or string instruments; piano; voice. Open to all students by audition.
JE-Jazz Ensemble: Utilizing standard stage band instrumentation, this ensemble studies and performs the best of the traditional and contemporary jazz repertory. Open to all students by audition. A minimum 3 hours of rehearsal per week.
LC-Chorale: Study and performance of choral literature with emphasis on standard classical choral repertoire. Concerts given each semester. Open to all students by audition. May fulfill the “required ensemble” requirement for some students.
LL-Ladies of Lee: Study and performance of a wide range of choral music for treble voices. One major tour and various performances on and off campus each semester. Open to all female students by audition. A minimum 3 hours of rehearsal per week.
LS-Lee Singers: Study and performance of a wide range of choral literature. One major tour each semester in addition to other off-campus appearances. Open to all students by audition. A minimum 4 hours of rehearsal per week.
MD-Music Drama Workshop: A practical laboratory course which involves the production of music dramas. Work includes casting, rehearsing, designing and constructing sets, lighting, costuming and publicity for recitals and public presentations.
OR-Orchestra: Study and performance of orchestra repertoire. Open by audition to music majors, general university students, and members of the local community. One major concert each semester.
OT-Opera Theatre: Experience in the practical application of musical and dramatic preparation and performance of opera. Open to all students by audition.
PE-Percussion Ensemble: Study and performance of percussion ensemble literature. Open to all students by audition. A minimum of 3 hours of rehearsal per week.
SB-Symphonic Band: Study and performance of concert and church wind band literature. One major tour each semester in addition to a wide variety of venues both on and off campus. Open to all students by audition. A minimum of 3 hours of rehearsal per week.
SJ-Small Jazz Ensemble: Study and performance of a variety of music for small jazz ensemble. Instrumentation based upon student availability. Open to all students by audition. A minimum of 3 hours of rehearsal per week.
ST-Chamber Strings: [Needs revision - I will work with Mr. Yu]
WE-Wind Ensemble: Study and performance of concert wind ensemble literature. Open by audition to music majors, general university students, and members of the local community. A minimum of 4 hours of rehearsal per week. Two major concerts per semester.
Prerequisites Audition required.
Credit Hours: 1
MUSE 502CPI - Collaborative Piano (Instrumental) This course is intended to assist students in their development of collaborative piano skills. This class will help students broaden their approach to music as a collaborative experience while enjoying a newfound relationship with co-performers, and developing creative and innovative thinking, which will lead students to professional learning.
Credit Hours: 1
MUSE 502CPV - Collaborative Piano (Vocal) This course is intended to assist students in their development of collaborative piano skills. This class will help students broaden their approach to music as a collaborative experience while enjoying a newfound relationship with co-performers, and developing creative and innovative thinking, which will lead students to professional learning.
Credit Hours: 1
Music-General |
MUSG 103 - Class Piano I - Non-Music Majors Study and application of basic techniques of playing the piano. No prior study of the piano is required.
Prerequisites None.
Credit Hours: 1
MUSG 185 - Performance Seminar A class designed to expose students to various types of music in the vocal, instrumental, and keyboard genres. This course is required of all music majors for seven semesters. Graded on a pass/fail basis.
Prerequisites None
Credit Hours: 0
MUSG 186 - Freshman Piano Proficiency Examination Demonstration of functional piano skills. Required for students in Bachelor of Arts in Music degree programs. Grading is Pass/Fail.
Credit Hours: 0
MUSG 213 - Functional Piano Individualized instruction for the music major with significant keyboard facility, but whose skills do not meet the levels required by the Piano Proficiency Examination.
Prerequisites Piano Placement exam, and permission of the Coordinator of Secondary Piano.
Credit Hours: 1 Notes May be repeated for credit until the Piano Proficiency Examination is passed.
MUSG 230 - Diction for Singers I For applied voice majors. It covers study of the International Phonetic Alphabet, Italian, French and German diction. To be taken during the freshman or sophomore year.
Prerequisites None
Credit Hours: 2 When Offered Fall Semester
MUSG 231 - Diction for Singers II A continuation of MUSG 230.
Prerequisites MUSG-230
Credit Hours: 2 When Offered Spring Semester
MUSG 286 - Piano Proficiency Examination Demonstration of functional piano skills according to requirements of student’s program of study. Grading is Pass/Fail.
Prerequisites MUSG-212 or approved equivalent
Credit Hours: 0
MUSG 488 - Introduction to Research in Music Designed especially for students in the Bachelor of Arts in Music curriculum who choose the Thesis Option, this course provides an orientation to scholarly writing in music. It also guides students through the process of developing a prospectus for the Senior Thesis.
Prerequisites MUHL-311, MUHL-312, MUSA-288, and MUST-241 or MUSB-243.
Credit Hours: 1
MUSG 498 - Senior Thesis Designed as a culminating experience for students in the Bachelor of Arts in Music curriculum, this course guides the student through the process of conceiving and developing a musical topic for research. Students report their research in a major paper and present it in a public forum.
Prerequisites Approval of faculty committee
Credit Hours: 1
MUSG 498MC - Senior Project in Composition New course - syllabus under development.
Prerequisites TBA
Credit Hours: 1
MUSG 513 - Functional Skills for the Piano Major Exploration and practice of functional skills required of the professional keyboardist. The course content includes advanced chord progressions and improvisation, hymn playing with modulation, open score reading and successful rehearsal skills, melody/bassline harmonization, pop symbol realization and analysis, figured bass, and derivative composition.
Prerequisites Admission to Master of Music Performance, Piano degree program, or permission of instructor.
Credit Hours: 2
MUSG 530 - Diction I For graduate vocal performance and conducting majors, this course covers study of the International Phonetic Alphabet, English, and Italian.
Credit Hours: 2 When Offered Fall Semester
MUSG 531 - Diction II For graduate vocal performance and conducting majors, this course covers study of the International Phonetic Alphabet, French, and German diction.
Credit Hours: 2 When Offered Spring Semester
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