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    Jan 23, 2025  
Lee University Catalog 2016-2017 
Lee University Catalog 2016-2017 [Archived Catalog]

Helen DeVos College of Education

Teacher Education Program Model

William E. Estes, Dean

Department of Early Childhood, Elementary, and Special Education                                                 

Patricia McClung, Chairperson

Department of Health, Exercise Science, and Secondary Education

Mikaele Iosia, Chairperson

 * The Helen DeVos College of Education at Lee University is accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE),

Undergraduate Studies in the Helen DeVos College of Education

The Helen DeVos College of Education seeks to promote practices and programs that facilitate teaching and learning. This occurs in the classroom and outside of the classroom through modeling best practice, encouraging experimentation and innovation, research, and facilitating programs that positively affect the learner in his/her environment.

At the heart of the Helen DeVos College of Education is the Teacher Education Program, which is the mechanism that governs all teacher preparation and licensure programs. Thus, the College collaborates with other departments on campus to provide a broad-based curriculum of liberal arts, specialty area study and professional education. Experiential learning is highly valued as students construct understandings and develop problem solving skills in the context of real-world situations.

The Helen DeVos College of Education includes the Department of Early Childhood, Elementary, and Special Education and the Department of Health, Exercise Science, and Secondary Education.

The Department of Early Childhood, Elementary, and Special Education offers majors in Human Development, Early Childhood; Middle Grades Education; Interdisciplinary Studies (Elementary Education) and Special Education. The department offers minors in Special Education and Deaf Studies.  The faculty of this department collaborate with the faculty of the respective discipline specialties and staff the courses of the professional studies sequences for each of the curricula.

The Department of Health, Exercise Science, and Secondary Education offers majors in Athletic Training, Exercise Physiology, Wellness Education (Health/PE Teacher Licensure K-12), Sports Management and Physical Education with an emphasis in Recreation. The department also offers minors in Fitness/Wellness, Physical Education, Recreation, and Coaching, as well as the professional education courses required for secondary education majors.

Students desiring to teach in the elementary grades should select a major in Interdisciplinary Studies, Middle Grades Education, or Early Childhood. Students desiring to teach on the secondary level should select a major in the academic departments’ sections of this catalog.

Teacher Education Program

The mission of the Lee University Teacher Education Program is to prepare candidates who are Lifelong learners, Effective educators, and Ethical practitioners. The objective is to produce teachers who (1) display a broad general background in liberal education (2) demonstrate thorough preparation in specific academic disciplines (3) plan and teach effectively and (4) view teaching as an area of Christian service.

Official Acceptance into the Teacher Education Program

All students who desire to prepare for teaching are required to apply for and be accepted into the Teacher Education Program. This application is to be filed during the first semester of the junior year, or after the student has completed EDUC-199 or MUED-225. Applications are completed as a part of the course requirement in EDUC-199 or MUED-225. Application forms may also be obtained in the office of the Director of Teacher Education. Candidates may not enroll in methods courses without admission to the Teacher Education Program. Requirements for acceptance of a student to the Teacher Education Program are as follows:

  1. Academic Achievement
    1. Have completed 30 hours in general education plus EDUC-199 or MUED-225 for Music Education (including 40 clock hours of observation).
    2. Have a 2.75 average for all courses completed.
    3. Have a 2.75 average in the specialty area courses completed.
    4. Have a 2.75 average in the professional education courses completed.
    5. Have a 2.75 average in all math courses (Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle Grades, and Special Education licenses).
    6. Have a 2.75 average in emphasis areas (Middle Grades license).
    7. Have no grades below “C” in the professional education courses.
    8. Satisfactory scores on CORE, assessment of academic skills, and achieve minimum scores of Mathematics 150, Reading 156 and Writing 162. Students may be exempt from taking CORE tests if ACT/SAT scores are: Enhanced ACT - 22 or above; recentered SAT - 1020 or above.
  2. Personal-Social-Physical Status
    1. Satisfactory ratings from the University Health Clinic.
    2. Completion of the Personality Screening.
    3. A recommendation from three full-time professors who are well-acquainted with the student.
    4. Statement from the Dean of Students concerning disciplinary status.
    5. Satisfactory results from a hearing test.
    6. Background check and fingerprinting.
  3. Communication
    1. Have a 2.75 average in English Composition with no grade below C.
    2. Have satisfactory ratings on three Interview Forms: one from a cooperating teacher, one from an advisor, and one from the EDUC-199 or MUED-225 instructor.

Majority vote of the Teacher Education Committee prevails when applications for the Teacher Education Program are considered. Once the Teacher Education Committee meets and has approved the applicant for admission, the candidate is admitted to the Teacher Education Program. The candidate is informed in writing of the Committee’s decision to accept or deny the applicant.

If an applicant is denied admission to the Teacher Education Program, he/she may appeal the Teacher Education Committee’s decision by requesting to appear before the Committee. There is no appeal beyond the Teacher Education Committee.


Appeal Process for Admission to the Teacher Education Program

For students who have failed a CORE subtest/s or do not meet GPA requirements but have demonstrated potential for teaching in other areas, the following criteria must be met:

  1. Must have failed the CORE subtest/s twice OR do not meet mimimum GPA requirements. 
  2. Must meet all other admission requirements.
  3. Must come to the Teacher Education Office and write a one - page theme entitled “Why I Think I Should Be Admitted to the Teacher Education Program.”
  4. Must have participated in a CORE workshop or tutoring sessions.
  5. Must make a personal appearance before the Teacher Education Committee.
  6. Must be approved by majority vote of the Teacher Education Committee.

Official Acceptance to Student Teaching

Lee University has entered into cooperative agreements with the Cleveland City School System, the Bradley County School System and several other school systems for the placement of student teachers in selected schools.

Student teachers are required to attend the public school on a schedule similar to that followed by the cooperating teachers. A minimum of 15 weeks of observation and responsible participation is required of each student. There is no provision for early completion of the experience. Student teaching and seminars carry 12 semester hours credit. No other courses may be taken during the student teaching semester. Application for Student Teaching must be filed by March 1 for the Fall Semester and October 1 for the Spring Semester. Application must be filed the semester preceding the one in which the student plans to do his/her student teaching (generally while enrolled in methods courses). Application forms should be completed while students are enrolled in methods courses, or they may be obtained in the office of the Director of Teacher Education.

For admission to the professional semester, including student teaching, the candidate must have fulfilled the following requirements:

  1. Full admission to the Teacher Education Program (i.e., all conditions relative to admission satisfied and maintained).
  2. Pass the appropriate parts of the Praxis II exams.
  3. Satisfactory completion of all professional education with a minimum GPA of 2.75 and no grade below a C.
  4. Completion of required methods courses before engaging in student teaching.
  5. Satisfactory completion of at least 80 percent of course work in the teaching area (major).
  6. Satisfactory evaluation of pre-professional observation experience (minimum of 40 clock hours).
  7. Recommendation from major professor.
  8. Membership in an education club during senior year is highly recommended.
  9. Pass Piano Proficiency (Music Education majors).

Graduation Requirements

  1. Satisfactorily complete required courses, lab experiences and clinical experience.
  2. Maintain the standards for admission to the program.


Programs of Study

The Helen DeVos College of Education offers the following teacher licensure programs:

Degree   Major   Code
B.S.   Health/Wellness Education, Grades K-12 Teacher Licensure   HLTWL.BST
B.S.   Human Development/Early Childhood, PreK-3 Teacher Licensure   ECHED.BST
B.S.   Human Development/Early Childhood and Interdisciplinary Studies, Pre-K-3 and K-5 Teacher Licensure   ECIDS.BST
B.S.   Interdisciplinary Studies, K-5 Teacher Licensure   IDSTU.BST
B.S.   Middle Grades, English/Language Arts and Mathematics, 6-8 Teacher Licensure   MGEMA.BST
B.S.   Middle Grades, English/Language Arts and Science, 6-8 Teacher Licensure   MGESC.BST
B.S.   Middle Grades, English/Language Arts and Social Studies, 6-8 Teacher Licensure   MGESS.BST
B.S.   Middle Grades, Mathematics and Science, 6-8 Teacher Licensure   MGMSC.BST
B.S.   Middle Grades, Mathematics and Social Studies, 6-8 Teacher Licensure   MGMSS.BST
B.S.   Middle Grades, Science and Social Studies, 6-8 Teacher Licensure   MGSSS.BST
B.S.   Special Education, Comprehensive Disabilities, K-12 Teacher Licensure   SPEDC.BST
B.S.   Special Education, Early Childhood, PreK-3 Teacher Licensure   SPEDP.BST
B.S.   Special Education, Interventionist I, K-8 Teacher Licensure   SPEDE.BST
B.S.   Special Education, Interventionist II, 6-12 Teacher Licensure   SPEDS.BST
B.S.   Special Education, Interventionist I, K-8 and Interventionist II, 6-12 Dual Licensure   SPEDD.BST

The Helen DeVos College of Education and the other academic departments/schools cooperate to offer additional teacher licensure programs of study. These programs are fully described in this catalog in the section of the respective sponsoring department or school. 

Degree   Major   Code
B.S.   Art (Visual Arts) (Teacher Licensure, Grades K-12)   ARTSV.BST
B.S.   Biological Science (Teacher Licensure, Grades 6-12)   BIOLS.BST
B.S.   Business Administration (Business Education/Corporate Training, 
Teacher Licensure in Business and Business Technology, Grades 6-12)
B.S.   Chemistry (Teacher Licensure, Grades 6-12)   CHEMS.BST
B.S.   Communication Studies (Teacher Licensure, Grades 6-12)   COMST.BST
B.A.   English (Teacher Licensure, Grades 6-12)   ENGLI.BAT
B.A.   French (Teacher Licensure, Grades 6-12)   FRNCH.BAT
B.S.   History (Economics Emphasis, Teacher Licensure Grades 6-12)   HESTY.BST
B.S.   History (Political Science Emphasis, Teacher Licensure, Grades 6-12)   HSTRY.BST
B.S.   Mathematics Education (Teacher Licensure, Grades 6-12)   MATHS.BST
B.M.E.   Music Education-Non-keyboard (Instrumental Teacher Licensure, Grades K-12)   MUSIA.BME
B.M.E.   Music Education-Voice (Vocal/General Teacher Licensure, Grades K-12)   MUSVA.BME
B.M.E.   Music Education-Keyboard (Vocal/General Teacher Licensure, Grades K-12)   MUSKA.BME
B.M.E.   Music Education-Keyboard (Instrumental Teacher Licensure, Grades K-12)   MUSKI.BME
B.A.   Psychology (Teacher Licensure, Grades 9-12)   PSYCH.BAT
B.A.   Spanish (Teacher Licensure, Grades 6-12)   SPNSH.BAT
B.A.   TESOL (Teacher Licensure, Grades PreK-12)   TESOL.BAT
B.A.   Theatre Education (Teacher Licensure, Grades K-12)   THEAT.BAT

Additional Endorsements

Teacher Education Program students may take additional courses and obtain teaching licenses in more than one area. Information about these programs may be obtained in the Teacher Education Office. Additional endorsements are available in the following areas: Early Childhood Education PreK-3, Elementary Education K-5, Middle Grades 6-8, English as a Second Language PreK-12, English 6-12, French 6-12, Spanish 6-12, Mathematics 6-12, Biology 6-12, Chemistry 6-12, Business 6-12, Business Technology 6-12, Bible 6-12, History 6-12, Art K-12, Psychology 9-12, Vocal/General Music K-12, Instrumental Music K-12, Health/Wellness Education K-12, Special Education Early Childhood, Special Education Comprehensive, Special Education Elementary, Special Education Secondary, Communication Studies 6-12 and Theatre K-12.  Economics and Political Science 6-12 may be added to the History license.

Early Childhood, Elementary, and Special Education

Go to information for this department.


Bachelor of Science

Other Programs

Health, Exercise Science, and Secondary Education

Go to information for this department.


Bachelor of Science
