Feb 12, 2025
Lee University Catalog_2024-2025
Chemistry, 6-12 Teacher Licensure (CHEMS.BST)
Return to: College of Arts and Sciences
* This program requires a minimum 2.75 GPA overall, in English Composition and Mathematics, in the Specialty Area Requirements, and in the Professional Education/Professional Semester Requirements. In addition, a grade of C or higher is required in all Specialty Area, Collateral, and Professional Education courses.*
*TEP Admission strongly recommended by end of sophomore year
Freshman/Sophomore Experience
Acquiring Fundamental Academic Skills
Seeking a Global Perspective
Specialty Area Requirements*
Chemistry Electives: 3*
Select course offerings in chemistry at the 300 level or above Subtotal Specialty Area Requirements: 29
Subtotal Collateral Requirements: 22
Secondary Professional Education Requirements*
Subtotal Secondary Professional Education: 17
Subtotal - Total Hours: 12
*Courses require admittance to the Teacher Education Program, click here for TEP Checklist. Electives - Total Hours: 0
Academic Assessment
GNST-400 Academic Assessment Credit Hours:0 SMFT-CHY Chemistry Credit Hours:0 Total Hours in Program: 123
Return to: College of Arts and Sciences