Feb 12, 2025
Lee University Catalog_2024-2025
Engineering Science (Dual Degree) (EGRSC.BS)
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Students who choose this major MUST complete at least 24 hours of engineering coursework at the 300 level or above. Most of these hours will come from a partner institution. The total number of combined hours at the two institutions must be at least 120.
Freshman/Sophomore Experience
Acquiring Fundamental Academic Skills
Exploring the Humanities
- HUMN 201 - Foundations of Western Culture Credit Hours: 3
One of the following (3): ENGL 221 , ENGL 222
One of the following (3): HUMN 202 , HUMN 301 , HIST 221 , HIST 222 , *ENGL 221 , *ENGL 222
*Cannot be the same ENGL course taken to fulfill the ENGL requirement above
One of the following (3): ARTS 244 , ARTS 245 , MUHL 211 , PHIL 241 , THEA 201
Understanding Contemporary Society
Seeking a Global Perspective
Engineering Core*
*A grade of C- or higher is required in all Engineering Core courses, included courses within the chosen concentration. An overall GPA of 2.7 in the Engineering Core is required for admission to a partner institution. Subtotal Engineering Core: 42 - 46 hours
Subtotal Collateral Requirements: 3
General Electives - Total Hours 0-5
General Electives may be additional Engineering courses or other courses of the student’s choosing, if additional coursework is required to reach the 120 total hours needed for graduation. Academic Assessment
GNST-400 Academic Assessment Credit Hours:0 Total Hours in Program: Minimum 120 Credit Hours Required
A minimum of 24 hours of engineering courses at the 300 level or higher must be earned, most of which will be taken at a partner institution. Current partner institutions are Tennessee Technological University and The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. Other partner institutions may be added as they become available. |
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